Published 24-02-2016 Category Indy Artists Read 4006 times

Killeroo by Darren Close

Under the publishing name of Ozone Studios, Darren Close has published Killeroo comics, OzComics magazines and worked on several other local publications, including Melbourne Comics Quarterly and XCT. Killeroo has always been the backbone of the publishing goal though, and he has half a dozen more books in production to launch this year.

Some words from Darren:

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Book One, Book Two, Gangwar And Scars

Since 2001 I've been making Killeroo comics. Sometimes it's been several years between issues, which is why I've chosen not to give them issue numbers. A series of oneshots seems to be the safest bet, when working with other creative teams.

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Melbourne Comics Quarterly

Having a regular schedule to keep in telling a single story over 3 issues has been an eye-opening experience.

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None were more surprised than I was at the critical response this little 24hr comic has garnered. It's a nice feeling, and won't be the last of some more personal comics over the coming few years.

What's Next?

Lots more Killeroo to come this year, including two trade paperbacks of GANGWARS stories, a YOUNG RUFUS book aimed at younger readers, and I'm right in the middle of starting an ongoing Killeroo comic that I'm drawing myself - which will launch at the end of February on Patreon.

Thanks to ComicBooksOnDemand for their support!

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