Published 10-04-2014 Category Indy Artists Read 36702 times

Pandeia by Paul Caggegi

Five centuries have passed since the moon was destroyed. Great cataclysms reshaped the Earth, and from the rubble, strange new civilisations have emerged, thriving under a strange new sky. War is brewing between three city-states which border the Cadian Desert: whoever dominates the Cadians controls the geothermal trade in the region, but the desert’s nomadic inhabitants are a force to be reckoned with.

Corben Wallace discovers a stolen book. Its pages contain riddles and clues to a forgotten past: how the moon was destroyed, and what lies in store for the Earth. But the book alone may not be sufficient to convince the Theian Order to take notice of its heretical claims.

Corben is joined by his friend, Tholemo and Daughter, Minauld, on a quest for answers which will take him deep into the Cadians and beyond.

Pandeia is a current online comic by Caggegi set in a far-flung futuristic Earth orbited by the remnants of a decimated moon. Chapter 1: Selina introduces the three-man crew of the eponymous high-speed sandcrawler. Corben Wallace the navigator is a blind man who can see - courtesy of bionic eyes - and we quickly come to know him and his crew in the midst of an aerial assault. Caggegi delivers a mixture of high concepts and banter, but wisely keeps it all on a functional level. Consequenty the story proceeds very naturally, which is impressive given that it is set on a greatly altered Turkey Australia. Nothing here feels unnecessary or overwrought.


– Emmet O'Cuana, The Momus Report

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